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OmniPayments | Payment Link | Link de Pagamento

OmniPayments: How Businesses in Brazil Can Offer a 360° Payment Experience

Published on 10/25/2021 - Updated on 04/19/2023

Showing interest in a product, researching it, finding an offer online, and, finally, completing the purchase on the website: this is how we generally imagine the traditional online customer journey. But does it really happen in this order?

In the OmniChannel era, where businesses explore multiple channels to connect with their audience, the customer journey is very dynamic, and, eventually, even mixes online and offline interactions.

Read more: Brazil Among the Main Digital-first Consumers in the World

Therefore, if interactions are OmniChannel, shouldn’t brands offer OmniPayments – that is, multiple features and payment methods that fit different steps of the journey?

Our CEO and co-founder Ralf Germer has brought this topic to the discussion in the digital event The Future of E-commerce, Enterprise edition, organized by E-commerce Brasil. The panel “OmniPayments: how businesses can offer a 360º payment experience” was conducted in the Portuguese language. Check it out!


OmniPayments: how to optimize the customer journey with a payment link

The customer’s journey doesn’t occur in a linear fashion: there are many online and offline interactions, as well as intensive research and contemplation. The infographic below illustrates the steps of the consumer journey.

To cater to this dynamic process and reduce cart abandonment rates, Mr. Germer explains what are OmniPayments and how a payment link can be a helpful feature and capture a great deal of these sales.

Read more: Payment Link: New Layout and Features Now Available!


“When the user interacts with a brand on social media, the store can send out a payment link so that the customer completes the purchase easily and quickly,” he explains.

The same occurs in interactions via WhatsApp, Brazil’s leading messaging app: customers can receive from the salesperson a payment link through the app and complete the purchase whilst having a conversation.

Read more: How to boost your sales with a payment link

A payment link also helps businesses increase their revenue. “If merchants try to recover purchases by getting in touch with the consumer – through, let’s say, WhatsApp – and send the customer a payment link, it is possible to recover up to 15% of lost sales. This is extremely important, as it increases sales significantly, and, consequently, boosts revenue,” he adds.

Germer also reinforces that WhatsApp is an incredibly relevant sales channel, even for large retail companies: Magazine Luiza, one of Brazil’s leading retailers, has over 14,000 users on WhatsApp. Via Varejo, holder of companies such as Casas Bahia, and Ponto, works with over 20,000 users.

Read more: The Future of the Payment Industry in Brazil is Digital

The numbers on Instagram are also surprising: over 69% of Brazilian consumers interact with brands through this social media platform.

Do you want to optimize your customer’s journey and increase your online store’s sales? Discover our exclusive Payment Link and get in touch with our sales team!

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