Full payment processing

Our reconciliation

Have full control over your income and expenses with our payment reconciliation service, which provides full transaction-based reporting for payment processing. Access information per order number on payment, refund or chargeback transactions processed, and be informed about the amounts deposited into your accounts, as well as pending payouts. You can also import the reconciliation reports into your accounting system, matching your transaction numbers.

Our payment reconciliation service is available for all our clients that use our full-service collection model to process payments. In case you choose the hybrid model, reconciliation is provided by default for payment methods processed with collection.

Procedures included
in the reconciliation

Our payment reconciliation service includes the following procedures:

Matching acquirers’
sales reports

The reports are obtained directly from acquirers’ web portals, containing detailed data of the transactions processed by us for each day.

Processing acquirers’

We process reports made available by the acquirers and convert them into CSV format prior to making them available to you.

Verification of
negative amounts

We verify any negative amounts reported by the acquirers to identify chargebacks and processed refunds.

Payment status

Based on the reports obtained from the acquirers, each order in our database is marked as “processed by acquirer” and/or “paid by acquirer.” This allows us to identify any submitted transactions that have not been processed (and therefore not listed) or not yet been paid by the acquirers.

What data
can you view?

After the reconciliation procedures are completed, you can view different data in the Settlement Reports tab of our dashboard:

Amounts that were paid out by the acquirer

This data is provided in CSV reports with the corresponding transactions for each payment. Such a format offers the advantage of portability, meaning that it can be opened and imported into various applications. In addition, as it is a plain text file, it also takes up less disk space.

Complete list of transaction

All transactions submitted by us that have not yet been included by the acquirers in their sales reports.

Pending amounts

Any amount pending to be paid out by the acquirers.

Amounts to be paid by the acquirer within the next two days

Our platform is fully compliant with PCI DSS Level 1. Therefore, it meets the highest international standard of security for credit card payment processing. By processing through PagBrasil’s secure platform, the overall PCI scope can be significantly reduced or even eliminated, helping you in avoiding significant complexities and costs of PCI DSS compliance.

Full list of transactions not paid

All transactions submitted by us that have not been paid out yet.

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