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Payment gateway for more
bargaining power

Our gateway service

If you would rather have a direct contractual relationship with card acquirers, and therefore have them carry out settlements directly with you, then our gateway service is the ideal solution for you.

As a merely technical service, our gateway connects your e-commerce website with card acquirers to successfully complete payment transactions. Thanks to our integration with three of the main acquiring players in the Brazilian market: Cielo, Rede and Stone, you benefit from greater bargaining power, which allows you to reduce your global costs.

How it Works

Your store maintains a contract with acquirers

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Processes card payments through PagBrasil’s platform

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You receive the resources directly from acquirers

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The benefits for your

Your choice of payment gateway is crucial to offering a better payment experience and driving more conversion. Check out the main benefits of using our gateway.

One-click purchase

Enjoy the one-click purchase functionality when using our gateway. You can offer an enhanced payment experience for your frequent buyers by reducing your checkout steps. To make it happen, our gateway tokenizes the credit card details for future payments, which can be completed in just one click.

Recurring payments

The same technology used for one-click purchase functionality also enables you to offer recurring payments. If you are selling subscription-based services, for instance, cardholders can authorize the recurring billing on the first charge, allowing you to use the tokenized credit card details to charge them on a regular basis.

Bargaining power

Our gateway integration with different acquirers enables you to switch from one acquirer to another instantly, without the need to change anything as regards the technical integration. In addition to facilitating the technical side of things, you also benefit from the possibility of negotiating to obtain the best processing fees.

Payment reconciliation

Payment reconciliation can be a nightmare, particularly when trying to understand the information provided by acquirers. With our gateway, you can hire this optional service to have exact control of the amounts deposited into your accounts, as well as access to complete transaction reports.

Multi-acquirer setup

Our multi-acquirer setup gives you the option of using several acquirers in parallel. This allows you to route transactions to different acquirers, based on filters such as card labels or number of installments. By doing so, you can significantly optimize your processing costs, as well as your payment conversion rates.

Fraud prevention

Our gateway does not actively filter transactions – which is known as chargeback insurance – because this can affect conversions negatively. However, you can still fight fraud with PagShield, our fraud prevention solution.

Our technical hallmarks

As a fintech company, technology and innovation are at the heart of everything we do. Let’s explore the technical hallmarks of our gateway service.

State-of-the-art solution

Enjoy an advanced and flexible all-embracing solution, developed completely in-house and tailored for the Brazilian market.

Stable platform

Enjoy an uptime of 99.98%. Our redundant server platform, hosted at different geographic locations, is extremely reliable.

PCI DSS Level 1 compliance

Be certain that your customers’ payment data is safe. We are PCI DSS Level 1, the highest security standard available in the payment industry. When payment information is sent directly from your web form to our gateway, without running card details through your servers, you can avoid complex and costly technical requirements to be compliant with PCI DSS standards.

Direct checkout

Your buyer does not leave your store to complete the payment. Benefit from a direct checkout, also known as transparent checkout, via API or iFrame integration.

Consistent integration

Credit card acquirers are known to change their parameters often, as well as the way of calling their API. When such changes take place, you are required to adjust your technical integration, which cause all sorts of difficulties. With our gateway, you can stop worrying about these changes, as we will adapt our platform to the acquirers’ alterations.

Business intelligence

Get access to a wide variety of reports and customized charts for in-depth understanding of your entire operation. For instance, you can have easy access to information on conversion rates, which is often not displayed by acquirers, who only count approved transactions.