Social Commerce in Brazil

Published on 01/11/2018

Social commerce is one of the main trends for Brazilian e-commerce this year. Social media platforms and instant messaging solutions make up the majority of time spent online by internet users in Brazil. Furthermore, studies have shown that digital consumers in the country are more accepting of online advertising, with only 35% of them viewing targeted ads as a privacy invasion, as opposed to up to 55% in more mature e-commerce markets. That, added to the vast number of active social media users in the country, highlights the increasing importance of such platforms for the e-commerce segment in Brazil.



Brazil’s Social Media Stats


According to the study Digital in 2017 – Global Overview, by Hootsuite and We Are Social, internet penetration rate in Brazil is 66%, which represents about 140 million internet users. In addition, Brazil holds third position in terms of active Facebook users, with a total of 111 million users.


Despite the impressive amount of Facebook users, last year’s YoY increase in the number of people using social media platforms in the country was 18%. Such growth is in part motivated by the adoption of other well-known social media, such as Instagram and Twitter.


Another important highlight is that Brazilians spend an average of 3.43 hours per day on social media. The country is second only to Philippines in this rank, way above the global average of just over two hours a day.



Why is Social Commerce Relevant for E-Commerce Merchants?


In addition to providing e-commerce merchants with another channel to interact with their consumers, social media is becoming more and more relevant for further driving online sales. The natural evolution of the way businesses and consumers use social media for their interactions, in addition to the advance of social media marketing tools available in the market, have made it possible for these platforms to gain space on the e-commerce segment.


The power of segmentation for social media campaigns is great. They gather so much information about users that merchants can define very specific characteristics for their target audience. A well-designed social media campaign can provide excellent results for online businesses, in terms of both driving traffic to their website and increasing sales.


Because social media usage accounts for most of the time internet users spend online, it is only natural that social commerce is quickly becoming more important. In light of that, some e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, have created solutions to facilitate the integration of online shops with social media platforms. At the same time, such integration also makes it easier for consumers to carry out online purchases without ever leaving the social media platform.


It is clear that it is time for online merchants to start developing their social commerce strategies – if they have not bet on this segment yet – so that their e-commerce sales can improve. There is, however, a very important thing to be taken into account here: regardless of the channel used, a great user experience is the key for success. Currently, that often means offering excellent browsing experience on mobile devices, seamless payment options and great customer support.






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