Recurring Payments | Pagamentos Recorrentes
Recurring Payments | Pagamentos Recorrentes

Driving Digital Inclusion with Boleto Recurring Payments

Published on 06/18/2020 - Updated on 05/08/2023

The subscription economy has strengthened worldwide. This business model, which consists on offering subscriptions to consumers as they pay a recurring price periodically for products and services, has truly become a consumption trend.

In Brazil, this segment has transactions worth over BRL 1 billion yearly, according to the Associação Brasileira de Comércio Eletrônico (ABComm).  In 2021, the market registered R$260 billion in sales (equivalent today to US$51 billion).

Streaming platforms, for instance, already attract millions of consumers in the country: 83% of internet users watch TV content via a subscription service each month, according to the Digital in 2020: Brazil report.

Read more: From Streaming to SaaS: Why Subscription Payment Model is Set to Skyrocket in Brazil

However, an important share of consumers in Brazil are unable to participate in this phenomenon. The reason? Many do not own a credit card, the only payment method a number of companies that work with recurrent payments have found to enable this business model.

But wouldn’t it be better to allow access to subscription products and services to all Brazilians? That said, offering subscribers local payment methods, like the boleto bancário, is a fundamental strategy to driving digital inclusion.


Beyond credit cards: recurrence with local payment methods

When we consider that Brazil is home to 34 million unbanked adults, credit cards become a limited payment method. Further, 71% of Brazilians use cash for their daily purchases, proving that payment methods that enable cash payments for digital purchases are still relevant.

Pix, the instant payment that’s the ultimate success in Brazil, has helped many unbanked people go digital and get included in the online realm.

However, despite Pix’s success and its broader acceptance in e-commerce platforms all over the country, Boleto is still relevant — it is the second most accepted payment method in Brazil.

Read more: Pix 2022: What to Expect from Brazil’s Newest Payment Method

Recurring payments with boleto bancário allow consumers that do not own a credit card to conveniently access an infinite range of products, services, and content each month, in addition to guaranteeing the best price by hiring plans and packages that fit their needs.

This way, it is possible to offer more payment flexibility and include millions of Brazilians in ecommerce and in the subscription economy.


Offer boleto recurring payments with PagStream®

Easily create and manage subscription plans with PagStream®, our flexible ready-to-go recurring payments solution. Offer your subscribers different plans and charge them weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, with completely customizable rules.

With PagStream®, you can monetize subscriptions with all of Brazil’s most popular payment methods, including the exclusive Boleto Flash® and PEC Flash®. Integrate easily and manage subscriptions directly from PagBrasil’s dashboard, with no coding needed.

Read moreThe Future of the Payment Industry in Brazil is Digital

Increase your sales with PagStream®

•  Automate payments

•  Enable retries using different payment methods

•  Bill customers periodically

•  Personalize reminders and cancellation notifications

•  Integrate easily, no coding needed

•  Manage subscriptions directly via the PagBrasil dashboard

Learn more about PagStream® here and reach out to our commercial team!

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