Increasing ecommerce conversion rates is one of the main concerns merchants have. For that reason, digital marketing and customer success strategies are essential for a successful operation.
But many merchants neglect another element that is also essential for increasing ecommerce sales: the payment experience. Without a positive experience, all the marketing efforts can go to waste simply because the consumer has faced too many problems when completing the purchase.
There are a number of reasons that can lead even the most determined user to give up altogether on completing a payment. So, we’ve listed four tips to make your store’s checkout more efficient and increase your conversions. Check it out!
How to optimize your ecommerce checkout
According to the Shopper Insights Survey 2019, a fluid checkout process was the most influential option in the shopping experience for 67% of respondents. And what does this mean?
It means reducing the number of steps and complexity at checkout, making the purchase process more agile, practical, and intuitive. For that matter, some features can help to improve the payment experience.
1. Offer a direct checkout
The direct checkout is when the customer is able to complete the purchase without leaving the store, that is, when he is not redirected to another page to complete the payment. In addition to increasing the sense of security, the purchase process becomes more agile and fluid, reducing by far the chances of the consumer giving up on the purchase.
2. Optimize address information
No one likes to fill out long forms. Autocompleting through the addressee’s zip code is an important feature to reduce checkout steps. When filling in the zip code field, additional address information such as street, neighborhood, city, and state are automatically inserted – with the exception of the building’s number and apartment number, the only information that the user needs to enter.
3. Enable CPF / CNPJ validation
Another important feature is the CPF / CNPJ validation, which indicates whether the number entered in the field is correct. This field must be correctly filled in, as it avoids errors in registered boleto bancários. In addition, this feature also helps with fraud prevention: if the CPF or CNPJ is wrong, the fraud prevention system is able to identify this and refuse the sale.
CPF / CNPJ validation also avoids delivery problems with orders arriving from outside of Brazil. Since January 1st, 2020, all international purchases arriving in the country must include the document number, otherwise, they will be returned to the sender or destroyed. Therefore, every cross-border merchant must meet this requirement to ensure that the product reaches the consumer.
4. Think about the mobile experience
Data from the Digital in Brazil: 2020 report shows that 94% of internet users in Brazil have a smartphone. In addition, Brazil is the country with the highest use of smartphone shopping apps in Latin America.
This information reveals the importance of ensuring a positive shopping experience for mobile devices. A responsive checkout, which adapts itself to any screen, in addition to features that make purchasing more agile and practical, is essential to ensure smoothness in the shopping process.
At PagBrasil, all of our solutions are designed to make shopping on mobile devices as pleasant as on desktop devices. Boleto Flash®, for example, is completely mobile-responsive, allowing the user to easily copy and paste the boleto’s barcode into the bank’s app. It is worth mentioning that Boleto Flash® is the only boleto in the market with payment confirmation in less than one hour, allowing the service or product to be quickly released to the consumer.
At PagBrasil, we are committed to reducing payment friction as much as possible and increasing ecommerce conversion rates. Find out more about our integrations and contact our sales team to provide the best payment experience!