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Brazilian Ecommerce Christmas 2020 | Natal e-commerce 2020
Brazilian Ecommerce Christmas 2020 | Natal e-commerce 2020

What to expect in Brazilian ecommerce this Christmas

Published on 12/15/2020

After a successful Black Friday, Brazilian ecommerce now prepares for another important day for retail: Christmas. Just like the last one on the last Friday of November, the expectation is an increase in Brazilian ecommerce beyond the predicted – especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the return of more severe social distancing measures in some regions of Brazil.

For comparison, the Black Friday 2020 sales in Brazil grew 25.1% when compared to 2019. The expectation is that this same growth will follow during the holidays. Global research from Rakuten Advertising showed that 86% of Brazilians intended to prioritize online shopping both on Black Friday and at Christmas.


Read also: Black Friday 2020 results: boleto bancário is still relevant for Brazilian ecommerce


Expectations for Brazilian ecommerce this Christmas

According to research carried out by Teads, 89% of Brazilians surveyed online planned celebrating Christmas; 82% intended to shop for presents.

About 68% revealed they find inspiration for presents on the internet. Another 42% revealed they research stores and brand websites, which indicated a great opportunity for ecommerce. Further, 55% of consumers will purchase both on online and at physical stores, and another 21% will shop only with ecommerce.

The main impacts on purchase decisions this Christmas

When choosing the perfect gift, 79% said they consider cost-benefit to be an important factor. Further:

  • 38% consider free shipping one of the most important aspects
  • 22% revealed that fast shipping has an important role in their decision-making
  • 14% consider product availability when shopping online


Read also: Consumer behavior and trends in Brazil


Three features to optimize your holiday sales

To guarantee a successful holiday season, we have listed three tips to boost your sales this Christmas. Check them out!

Fluid and frictionless checkout

The fewer complications your clients face at the checkout page, the higher are the chances they will convert. This is why it is important to reduce the number of steps at the checkout, reducing the size of the form.

Another way to optimize the time users spend at the checkout is the address autofill feature, once they provide their postal code. This way, once they insert their postal code, the fields Street, Neighborhood, City, and State are immediately filled in, making the purchase process even quicker and avoiding problems with the delivery.

Payment methods with accelerated confirmation

The accelerated payment confirmation is another essential feature – especially during the holidays when customers go around the clock to guarantee their products are in hand before Christmas!

Besides credit cards and Pix, look for alternatives that also provide a quick payment confirmation, like Boleto Flash® – the only boleto in the market that confirms payments in less than one hour – and PEC Flash®, a cash payment method for ecommerce that confirms payments in an instant.

Payment link to recover clients

Recover clients that abandon the cart and create second conversion opportunities with a payment link, a feature that allows merchants to send a link to their customers to complete a purchase without having to return to the online store. This way, you optimize your remarketing strategies!


Read also: 4 ways you can use a payment link to boost your sales


Want to boost your sales in 2021? With PagBrasil, you increase your conversion rates in Brazil and maximize your sales! Get in touch to discover our solutions.


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