
PagBrasil develops mobile version for the boleto bancário

Published on 05/10/2016 - Updated on 10/29/2019

PagBrasil is pleased to announce the first responsive boleto bancário, adapted for mobile and desktop payments. After successfully launching Boleto Flash, the only boleto in the market that offers merchants payment confirmation in less than one hour, PagBrasil is now dedicated to facilitating, even more, the use of this popular Brazilian payment method.

The mobile market is expanding quickly, and this enhances the need to develop custom-made solutions for your public. According to Nielsen IBOPE, there are over 76 million smartphone users in Brazil, and mobile phones and tablets represent more than 37% of ecommerce accesses in Brazil. These numbers show the potential of m-commerce in the country, which today represents 12% of online sales according to E-bit. However, it is important to highlight that mobile channels are a favorite among Brazilians that visit online stores with multiple devices and, as pointed in a study by Criteo, 60% of shoppers complete the purchase on a mobile device.

Considering this scenario and clients feedback, PagBrasil identified the need to offer merchants a mobile-responsive boleto, that fulfills Brazilians needs. This exclusive technology is compatible with both Boleto Express and Boleto Flash®, both products developed by PagBrasil, and may be easily integrated with the online store via API or plug-ins for Magento, WooCommerce and Shopify. The new mobile boleto allows the customer to easily copy and paste the payment data from their banking app, in addition to electronic payment in any of the 170 ATMs in Brazil. Furthermore, it is also possible to complete payment in self-service terminals with barcode scanners compatible with smartphone screens by flipping the device in order to visualize and scan the code. Like any other boleto, the buyer may also print the document in the conventional format.

Alex Hoffman, CEO and co-founder of PagbBrasil, comments: “We are very excited with this launch. In previous tests, we noticed the new responsive boleto is essential to increase conversion rates in mobile devices. Many merchants we spoke with affirmed they have been looking, with no success, a boleto solution for smartphones – and all were very satisfied with the solution presented by PagBrasil”.

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