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Increasing boleto conversions

Published on 09/10/2015 - Updated on 06/19/2023

PagBrasil adds another smart functionality, which helps merchants to increase their Boleto Flash® and Boleto Express conversions. Merchants now have the possibility to retroactively extend the expiration date of a previously issued invoice.

Depending on the product or service sold, it is important to optimize the validity period of a boleto in order to maximize conversions. Too short periods may not give the customer enough time to pay for the purchase and too long periods usually result in lower conversion rates. Merchants also need to take into account that they are bound to guarantee the availability of the product during the validity period of the invoice. PagBrasil customers can autonomously define a default expiry period or set it individually via API for each invoice issued.

Apart from showing the boleto download link on the checkout confirmation page, it is important to provide the end customer with the payment link by email. This way the end-user can access and pay for his purchase, even if he has closed the checkout page before printing or paying the invoice online. In addition, PagBrasil recommends sending all customers who haven’t paid their boleto a reminder email a couple of days before it expires.

PagBrasil’s merchants now have the possibility to send a second reminder, after the invoice has expired, with an extended boleto validity period. Ralf Germer, co-founder of PagBrasil comments: “This gives our merchants’ customers another chance to pay the boleto. Depending on the product sold, we expect this to increase the merchant’s overall boleto conversion rate by 3% to 8%.” The function is live and available for all PagBrasil’s merchants via PagBrasil’s web-based Merchant Interface or via API.

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