Fórum E-commerce Brasil
Fórum E-commerce Brasil

Fórum E-commerce Brasil: highlights of the 10th anniversary edition

Published on 07/18/2019 - Updated on 09/26/2019

This year, Fórum E-commerce Brasil celebrated its 10th anniversary edition. The event has hosted over 16,000 visitors and over 200 exhibitors, a new record for the organization, with speakers from the United States, Mexico, Australia, Portugal and Russia.

The event had eight content areas and 15 conference rooms with a busy agenda during the three days. Visitors had the opportunity to learn more about marketplaces, digital marketing, business management, logistics, among many other e-commerce related areas.


PagBrasil at Fórum E-commerce Brasil

As a regular sponsor of project E-commerce Brasil, PagBrasil was also present at this special edition of the event. This year, we had a stand at the event and were also the sole sponsors of food and beverages moments. It was a pleasure collaborating with E-commerce Brasil once again, and we would like to send a big thank you to their organization team.

In addition, our CEO, Ralf Germer, chatted with Gabriela Manzini for Digital Talks about the user experience with mobile payments. He was also one of the speakers on 18th July and talked about the unbanked population in Brazil and what an immense opportunity they represent for e-commerce businesses.

PagBrasil also hosted a dinner for e-commerce leaders, attended by representatives of Beleza na Web, Avast, Kingstone Store, Calzedonia and Air Fox.


Highlights of the event

E-commerce Brasil shared some video highlights. You can watch day one here, and day two here. In addition, check out some photos taken by our team.

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  • Fórum E-commerce Brasil 2019, São Paulo 26 de September de 2019

    […] Our team has exhibited in São Paulo at the 10-year anniversary edition of Fórum E-commerce Brasil SP. The event took place at Transamérica ExpoCenter and had over eight stages with simultaneous talks. PagBrasil was the sponsor of the food and beverage moments at the event and our CEO, Ralf Germer, was one of the speakers on 18th July. Check out the highlights of the event! […]

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