Digital security: with cyber-attacks, security should be a priority for ecommerce businesses

Published on 01/26/2021 - Updated on 04/19/2023

In the digital era, the security of a website must be one of the main concerns for ecommerce businesses that wish to succeed. To ensure that a website is safe, a few resources are needed. And one of them is website hosting.

In addition, ecommerce businesses also need to be aware of the LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, or General Data Protection Law), a resolution created to make web browsing more transparent to the user.

And speaking of security, users should also be aware of how to protect themselves on the internet, avoiding being a victim of fraud.

In this article, we have narrowed down a few topics related to digital security. Check them out!


  • The importance of digital security for businesses
  • Most common types of fraud on the internet
  • LGPD: learn more about this subject


The importance of digital security for businesses

What differentiates a customer that enters a physical store to buy a product from the one who accesses an online store to make a purchase?

Essentially, just a few things: both want a fast, efficient, and high-quality service. And when it comes to ecommerce businesses, customers are also concerned with safety.

Nobody wants to be surprised when they type in their card password or CPF – Brazilian tax ID – in an online store only to find out later on that they have been a victim of fraud.

For that matter, ecommerce businesses that guarantee all security requirements will be promoting a positive customer experience.

Here are some tips to enhance your website’s security.


Work with a trusted platform

The security of an online store begins with its development, which means working with a trusted platform is essential. Shopify, Vtex, and WooCommerce are a few to name.


Always choose strong passwords

Strong passwords hinder hackers. This is why, when choosing your passwords, do not use obvious alternatives, such as birthdays and simple numeric combinations. It is essential to mix numbers and other types of characters.


Use antivirus software and anti-fraud tools

Antivirus software allows threats to be removed before they cause serious damage. The use of an antivirus program optimizes security against cybercrime. However, it is important to update it constantly.

Ecommerce businesses should also work with an anti-fraud solution. Not only does this resource avoid frauds, but it also reduces losses with chargebacks.

Read also: Learn 4 reasons that make an antifraud tool indispensable for every ecommerce


Work with a good website hosting service

Good web hosting companies offer SSL certificates among their most advanced plans. This certificate is an important resource, especially for ecommerce businesses.

With this certificate, businesses can guarantee protection for their users, also ensuring quality service and a good shopping experience. This is possible because the SSL certificate protects passwords through encryption, preventing action from hackers.

Further, many users today are already aware and know how to identify the security of a website. Therefore, it is important to have a good website hosting plan, which offers the SSL certificate and gives its URL the HTTPS termination.

It is through this acronym, HTTPS, that users most connected to digital protection requirements make sure that the site is even more secure.


Most common types of fraud on the internet

The internet has many benefits, but on the other hand, given the skill and knowledge of some hackers, it can also be a favorable place for people with malicious intent, willing to take advantage by stealing passwords and hacking into systems.

Cybercrimes are either committed by individuals or organizations. Some cybercriminals – as those who commit this type of crime are called – are well organized and apply sophisticated frauds.

Therefore, they master modern techniques and have a deep understanding of computers and technology in general. For this reason, if you want to protect yourself more efficiently from cyber-attacks, it is important to know what these types of scams are and how they are practiced. Learn more about some of the most common types of fraud below.



This type of action starts from the moment that spam emails or other invasive methods of virtual interaction are frequently sent.

The main purpose of this action is to encourage recipients to carry out some kind of action that jeopardizes their security or the security of the company that they are part of.

Generally, phishing campaigns carry infected links or attachments that lead the receiver to malicious websites. These actions can also encourage users to coned personal information.

Another version of this crime is known as spear-phishing, which can take place inside a company. The purpose, in this case, is to induce employees to concede valuable information. Emails are usually sent in a way that appears to have been forward by the company’s CEO or the IT team.


DDoS attacks

Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks consist of a sort of virtual attack in which cybercriminals paralyze a system or network.

The devices connected to the internet are used to give a start to this type of crime. DDoS attacks generally aim to overload a system, making it considerably vulnerable.

Criminals can use DDoS attacks to threaten companies and ask for a considerable amount of money.


Malware attack  

This sort of digital crime occurs when a system or computer network is infected. Criminals use a computer infected by malware for various purposes, such as acquiring personal information.

Some malicious software are viruses: they appear in the form of an executable file, and as soon as the user executes them, this allows the malware to invade the system.

Another villain is spyware, which enables criminals to spy on the user’s activities.

And we cannot forget the famous Trojan Horse, which, as its name shows, appears as something relevant, such as important software or a simple download.


LGPD: learn more about this subject

Brazil’s General Data Protection Law – LGPD – is a recent resolution that has everything to do with data security, involving both businesses and users.

The purpose of the LGPD is to assure protection, privacy, and transparency when managing personal data, including name and email address.

The fact is, companies of all sizes must comply with the norms of the LGPD. One of the most important requirements is to express the consent of customers to use the information.

Learn more about the General Data Protection Law in this article.



Security is no longer a minor detail, but a priority.

Ensuring the safety of a website brings more credibility, improves the company’s positioning, and provides customers with a good user experience, especially when it comes to an online store.

With a secure website, it is possible to obtain an efficient digital presence, serving your target audience with maximum quality.

Therefore, working with a good platform and hosting sites are measures that are part of the priorities to ensure a safer website.


About the author

Alan is an SEO content writer at PRable with experience in WordPress and tech content optimized to win the best positions on Google.  Loves games, football, and travel.

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