Gaming in Brazil

Brazil ranks among the top 10 global gaming markets, a scenario with its specific strengths and challenges. According to PGB*, 73.9% of Brazilians play some type of video game. 

*Pesquisa Game Brasil (PGB) 

Read more and learn why Alternative Payment Methods play a key role in helping gaming businesses thrive in the country.

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Trusted by global gaming, tech, and payment companies

Upgrade your company’s payment experience
with PagBrasil

•    Grow your consumer base in Brazil by enabling Alternative Payment Methods

•    Speed up payment confirmation with world-class technology. 

•    Benefit from a robust platform and seamless connection to leading banks in Brazil. 

•    Deliver an outstanding payment experience with mobile-responsive and customizable features. 

•    Choose between settlements with domestic or cross-border remittances.  

•    Foster loyalty by elevating the overall customer experience. 


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Exclusive Featured Services

Our clients may activate additional features to power payment processing in Brazil with the highest-quality sales technology.


Our anti-fraud solution was developed to meet the specific needs of the Brazilian market. Based on exclusive machine learning technology, PagShield® provides real-time fraud prevention and allows for pre-authorization of suspicious transactions as PagShield Premium.  

Gaming Market in Brazil: The largest in Latin America

From casual online gamers to top eSports competitors, Brazil is home to the largest number of players in LatAm and leads revenue generation in the region. According to PGB, 63.8% of gamers play video games from 3 to 7 days a week. If we consider those who play on a daily basis, the rate goes to 38.1%.
It is safe to say that Brazilians are gaming enthusiasts, integrating playing, viewing, owning, and keeping up with games into their daily routine and lifestyle.

102.6M players*

Global ranking: 5#*
31.3% aged 30 to 39 years old** 
48.8% play on smartphones (61% of mobile players are women)**
4-5 average hours played each week*

* Brazil is the world’s fifth largest market by number of players (102.6M) in 2022. On average, mobile players spend 4.31 hours per week on games. (Newzoo Gamer Insights Report)
** Pesquisa Game Brasil (PGB

Challenges for Gaming Companies in Brazil

Many players don’t own credit cards…

A survey conducted by Instituto Locomotiva, which considered data collected in August 2022, shows that 3% of Brazilians over 18 were unbanked. This represents a significant change compared to the previous survey from January 2021, which reported 16.3 million unbanked individuals.

However, PGB results indicate that 15.9% of participants do not have credit cards.

… and they face a high risk for banking fraud…

According to ClearSale´s Fraud Map, Brazilian e-commerce businesses registered more than 3.7 million fraud attempts in 2023, amounting to 3.5 billion BRLs (more than 650M USD). Phones, IT goods and beauty products purchases accounted for 7.7%% of frauds attempts.

… prompt the usage of Local Payment Methods…

Pix and boletos bancários figure among the top payment methods in Brazil. According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), in 2023, there were 4.2 billion transactions made via boleto in Brazil, amounting to R$ 5.8 trillion. Also in 2023, Brazilians made nearly 42 billion Pix transactions, representing a 75% increase from the previous year.


… despite delays and limitations. 
Usually, boleto payment confirmation takes up to three business days. Boletos generated by online purchases are also not mobile-friendly. 

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