WooCommerce plugin for payments in Brazil
Our exclusive WooCommerce plugin for payments in Brazil offers a fluid payment experience, without redirecting your customers to an external page. Developed in-house as a standard WordPress plugin, the extension is fully responsive, providing a seamless payment experience on desktop as well as on any mobile screen resolutions.
Add Brazilian Payment methods easily to your WooCommerce store
Get in touch →Benefits of PagBrasil’s
WooCommerce Plugin
Your WooCommerce store can offer a wide range of local payment methods, including the exclusive Débito Flash®, PagBrasil Pix, Boleto Flash®, or PEC Flash®.
• Direct one-page checkout
• CPF/CNPJ validation mask
• Compatible with Brazil’s most popular local payment methods
• Supports PagBrasil’s exclusive payment methods, such as Débito Flash®, PagBrasil Pix, Boleto Flash®, and PEC Flash®
• 1-click payment: credit card details are stored for returning shoppers
• Fully supports PagStream®, PagBrasil’s subscription management solution for recurring payments
Customize your plugin
Define the number of installments for credit card payments
Choose the number of days until a boleto bancário expires
Add a soft descriptor on buyers’ credit card statements to identify your store or the product purchased
Personalize the boleto bancário with your logo and an individual message
Exclusive features
The new WooCommerce plugin offers exclusive features, such as secure credit card detail storage and recurring payments. Check it out:
Direct checkout with CPF/CNPJ validation mask: PagBrasil’s WooCommerce plugin provides a direct one-page checkout that allows customers to easily carry out online payments without redirect to external pages. The extension also offers a CPF/CNPJ validation mask, which verifies the number provided.
1-click payment: Credit card details can be stored so that returning shoppers can make purchases with just a few clicks.
Wide range of local payment methods: With PagBrasil’s WooCommerce plugin, your online store offers Brazil’s most popular payment methods, including local credit cards – allowing customers to pay in installments – Pix, the exclusive Débito Flash® for online debit card payments, Boleto Flash®, and PEC Flash®.
Easy to integrate: Easily integrate without any sort of coding. After your onboarding process with PagBrasil, we will send you instructions on how to install and activate the plugin.
Fully supports PagStream®: Our WooCommerce plugin also fully supports PagStream®, PagBrasil’s subscription management solution. Offering PagStream® will increase your customer retention rate!